
Welcome to our homeschool room! This is the very beginning of our homeschool journey and this is our starting place. My children are still fairly young and my eldest is in his first year of primary education. We are creating our own homeschool approach using the Montessori approach along with some odds and ends that I have adopted along the way. This room changes and grows with my children, it has just recently become one shared space as my youngest can now work alongside her big brother safely. Previously they has separate “Yes spaces” (more on that later). Now that they can work in the same room I am seeing a big change in the way our homeschool days flow. The children are less concerned with what others are doing, and are sinking more deeply into their own play. 

The Pink Tower

The Pink Tower

A material I wanted right off the bat when I started homeschooling was the Pink Tower. It is iconic, well known, easily recognized. A Montessori space should have a Pink Tower right? It took me three years to finally decide to purchase a pink tower. Before I did so I...

Preparing for a Five year Old

Preparing for a Five year Old

Mr Man is getting older and taller and recently I realized that he has outgrown the little kids table and chair set we have been using the last four years. His materials are also growing in complexity and need a larger space to be spread out and used effectively out...



I think by now my love for felt has become pretty evident. I use it often in my materials and I find it incredibly versatile. The fact that I can often find it at my local dollar stores makes it even more appealing to me. Besides the low price tag and versatility it...

Great Expectations

Great Expectations

When my husband and I first seriously started discussing starting a family I immeditately started forming expectations and imagining what my child would be like. We had already selected a name before we even found out that I was indeed expecting. We had already spent...

All Weather Play

All Weather Play

"There is no such thing as bad weather". This is a statement I find all over different parenting and education sites and blogs. We know for a fact that the more time outdoors children have, the better. Outdoor spaces help children learn to balance and coordinate their...