Our Science Area
Our Science shelf generally changes weekly depending on interests or particular seasonal or environmental opportunities I notice. As the seasons change we often explore seasons, weather, or animal adaptations. If we see construction work happening we may dive into how machinery works. If we stumble upon a book about frogs that delights us then we may jump into frog life cycles. It is an area that changes and develops so often and is one of my favorite areas of learning.
An Easy DIY for Christmas
This year for Christmas I wanted to try making a number of my children's gifts myself. I have been admiring the cosmic address activity made by Waseca for a very long time and that became one of my main DIY goals this holiday season. I got some wooden nesting blocks...
Planting Season
With the arrival of spring my kids have become fascinated with plants. I have been subtly scaffolding this interest with books about local plants, three part cards of different types of flowers, and gardening based sensory bins. Less subtly I have been inviting them...
A Fishy Arrangement
Now that Mr. Man is four he has been seeking ways to take on more responsibility around our home. He is seeing himself as a capable contributor and wants to have his own to do lists and chores most days. I even had the opportunity to hear him say, "I've got dinner...
Displaying Puzzles
Finding a way to store and display puzzles can be a real challenge. For toddlers it is easy enough to put a puzzle flat on the shelf with the pieces to the side. Preschoolers tend to enjoy doing a larger variety of puzzles however and storing them in the same way...
Parts of a Frog DIY
If you have read any of my other DIY posts then you may have noticed that I use felt for a lot of activities. Before I purchased my parts of an animal zoology puzzles I was wracking my brain trying to figure out how to make them myself. I am not really a wood worker,...