Customized Activity and Program Plans

When you work with young children it can be challenging to find the time to plan quality activities, observe their interests, maintain their classrooms or playrooms, take care of their emotional and physical needs and still find time to enjoy just spending time with them! I want to help with that. If you need help coming up with a weekly plan or need some homeschooling ideas then please fill in the contact information on this page. I will send you a customized plan for your child(ren)’s age group and interests that covers all the major areas of development. Occasionally I will also include printable activities and suggestions for extensions of the plan.

All for only $5. Click on the sample plan to see what is included, and fill out the form to recieve your own customized plan. This plan can be used as a weekly or monthly plan depending on your needs!

Fill out this form for your customized $5 plan.