Our Language Area

Our Language shelves have areas that I rarely ever rotate. Materials like our sand paper letters, sand tray, and moveable alphabet are staples that my children return to daily. Other materials rotate as quickly as my children lose interest in them. I like to change up the nomenclature cards weekly to keep them fresh and interesting. I will be providing some downloadable nomenclature cards in the near future! Puzzles and language games also change fairly regularly as our areas of interest develop and change. This is an area of our homeschool room that likely contains the most DIY materials and I will be sharing them here very soon!

Sand Tray DIY

Sand Tray DIY

This DIY was so easy to make that I considered not including it here, but my children use it literally every day. All you need is a box of some kind. It could be a wooden box (again I am using a Melissa and Doug box from an old toy), or even a Tupperware container....