If you have read any of my other DIY posts then you may have noticed that I use felt for a lot of activities. Before I purchased my parts of an animal zoology puzzles I was wracking my brain trying to figure out how to make them myself. I am not really a wood worker, and I do not have a cricut machine so I needed a way to make them with simpler materials. I considered using cardboard or foam board but could not think of how to make precise enough pieces that would not be easily damaged. So I turned to my favorite material once again, felt. There are plenty of free outlines of frogs that I looked through online before settling on an outline that suited this activity best. I made my pattern and cut out the pieces to make a single layer puzzle. It was very flimsy and did not feel great to me, it was not the beautiful puzzle I had envisioned. I decided to make it double layered and sew the pieces together. It work much better this way, and my children adore it. Even though we ended up getting our own zoology puzzle set later on I find that Mister Man still enjoys using this handmade version fairly often.